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Post doc position (closed)

A post-doctoral position in Computer Science, Natural Language Processing and Data Mining was open at the GREYC laboratory (CNRS UMR 6072) at University of Caen.

Working context: the position is funded by the French National Research Agency ANR, project Bingo2 (Knowledge discovery for and by inductive queries in post-genomic applications).

Location: Caen, Normandy, France

Topic: Discovering extraction rules for annotating corpus

Knowledge discovery in bio-medical texts is a big challenge due to the large amount and variety of texts. The GREYC laboratory has performed a variety of research on data mining, natural language processing and extraction information (EI). This work proposes a promising cross-fertilization of NLP and machine learning techniques on biomedical texts. About NLP, automatically acquiring and discovering extraction rules is a key point for parsing and annotating text collections which are indefinitely updated and continually grow. About data mining, the goal is to design new text mining methods for taking account textual specificities.

Main features of the work include

  • using and adapting data mining methods for learning extraction rules;
  • designing a method for semantic annotation of corpus;
  • developing an interface for information retrieval from texts.


The applicant should have a Ph.D degree in Computer Science with background in Natural Language Processing or data mining or machine learning.

Place, duration and remuneration

  • 12 months contract (with a possible extension), starting from September 2008
  • net salary: 1900 euros per month
  • the position requires working at GREYC laboratory

How to apply

Please apply as soon as possible. Screening of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Send CV and cover letter, with names of two references, to the following emails:
Thierry Charnois +33 2 31 56 73 77
Bruno Crémilleux +33 2 31 56 74 35
GREYC - CNRS UMR 6072, Université de Caen, Campus Côte de Nacre F-14032 Caen Cedex - France