Thursday, July 8th, 2010
- 9:00 Introduction and synthesis of the work according to each partner, work-plan
- 10h30 Mining Context-based Logical Sequences? (Adriana Bechara Prado, LaHC, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne). Abstract.
- 11h15 Cross-Mining on SQUAT and String Datasets (Pierre-Nicolas Mougel, LIRIS, INSA Lyon)
- 14:00 Introduction (Jean-François Boulicaut, LIRIS, INSA Lyon).
- 14:10 Mining Probabilistic Databases (Toon Calders, Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands). Abstract.
- 15:00 Learning and Predicting the Evolution of Social Networks (Francesco Bonchi, Yahoo! Research Barcelona, Spain). Abstract.
- 16:10 MDL and Lossy Compression (Arno Siebes, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands). Abstract.
- 17:00 Constraint-Based Mining of Closed Patterns in Noisy n-ary Relations (Loïc Cerf, LIRIS, INSA Lyon). Abstract.
- 17h50 Conclusion of the mini-symposium
Friday, July 9th, 2010
Note the defence of Loïc Cerf on July 9th morning at 9h30.
LIRIS CNRS 5205 - INSA de Lyon
Blaise Pascal building
Floor 3 (meeting room of the Department of Computer Science) - 502.321
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex
Tramway: line 1, direction IUT Feyssine, get off at "Gaston Berger" stop
Maps are available at: