argument -i is mandatory ptaprune : Builds and prune a PTA from a training set Usage : ptaprune -i Datas [-p PtaName] [-n nb] [-u unifile] [-e eps] [-h] Arguments : -i Datas : Name of data file -p : prints the PTA and exit; PTA name : P -n : sets the number of states to prune -e : defines discounting value for smoothing. Default 0.6 -u : defines the unigram to use. Estimate using the training set if not set -h : this help ******************* Example : Using the ATIS data, to build the pta (no pruning) : ./ptaprune_linux_i586 -i atis -n 0 -p pta.txt The resulting pta is in the file pta.txt To build the pta with 10000 states pruned : ./ptaprune_linux_i586 -i atis -n 10000 -p pta_pruned.txt